
Flask-Identity assumes you’ll be using libraries such as SQLAlchemy or PonyORM to define a data model that includes a User and Role model. The fields on your models must follow a particular convention depending on the functionality your app requires. Aside from this, you’re free to add any additional fields to your model(s) if you want.

As more features are added to Flask-Identity, the requirements for required fields and tables grow. As you use these features, and therefore use these fields and tables, database migrations are required; which are a bit of a pain. To make things easier - Flask-Identity includes mixins that contain ALL the fields and tables required for all features. They also contain various best practice fields - such as update and create times. These mixins can be easily extended to add any sort of custom fields and can be found in the models module (today there is just one for using Flask-SqlAlchemy).

At the bare minimum your User and Role model should include the following fields:


  • id

  • email

  • password

  • active

  • uniquifier


  • id

  • name

  • description

Additional Functionality

Depending on the application’s configuration, additional fields may need to be added to your User model.


If you enable user tracking by setting your application’s IDENTITY_TRACKABLE configuration value to True, your User model will require the following additional fields:

  • last_login_at

  • current_login_at

  • last_login_ip

  • current_login_ip

  • login_count

Custom User Payload

If you want a custom payload for JSON API responses, define the method get_security_payload in your User model. The method must return a serializable object:

class User(db.Model, UserMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    email = TextField()
    password = TextField()
    active = BooleanField(default=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(80))

    # Custom User Payload
    def get_security_payload(self):
        return {